Everyone can benefit from continuing training and updating the skill certifications.
This Articles Included
About American Certifications
About American Hotel & Lodging Association
How Getting Certified Can Help?
Getting Certified (Step by Step Guide)
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About American Certifications
GPDP by COTHM Dubai continues to meet the needs of the industry with a variety of hospitality solutions, including online learning, professional certification, and resources for high schools, colleges, and workforce agencies.
Our training programs and distance learning platforms can be used by students as well as by industry professionals. COTHM is is a leader in hospitality training and hotel management certifications and offers online learning and courses with textbooks and digital material to enhance the hospitality learning experience. COTHM,s programs are all recognized by the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA) and conform to the best practices in the hotel and lodging industry.
Every hotel, resort and hospitality business can benefit from continuing training and updating the staff’s skill certifications. Select our Certification Programs to discover what professional hospitality certification designations are available for all levels of employee, from line-level through hospitality management. Select Products to browse our extensive list of hospitality training options.
Take individual courses or work toward earning Areas of Specialization certificates, a Hospitality Fundamentals certificate, a Hospitality Operations certificate, a Hospitality Management Diploma or a Professional Certification.

About American Hotel & Lodging Association

Serving the hospitality industry for more than a century, the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA) is the sole national association representing all segments of the 1.8 million-employee U.S. lodging industry, including hotel owners, REITs, chains, franchisees, management companies, independent properties, state hotel associations, and industry suppliers.
Headquartered in Washington, DC, AH&LA provides active advocacy, clear communications, and educational empowerment for this vital industry.
- Managing over 4.9 million rooms
- Employing more than 1.8 million
- Welcoming 4.7 million guests every day
- Generating $1.3 trillion in travel revenue
- Creating $155.5 billion in lodging sales revenue
- Raising $129 billion in business travel tax revenue annually
About American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute

Established in 1953, the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI), a non-profit organization, is committed to investing in the workforce development of the hospitality industry. For over 60 years, AHLEI has provided hospitality education and training solutions to those preparing for hospitality careers and those already working in the industry.
Because AHLEI is the training and education arm of the American Hotel & Lodging Association, they have a clear vision of what the industry needs and how to prepare people to succeed in this vibrant field. Direct industry input goes into the development of every one of our products, ensuring that the knowledge you gain is up-to-date, practical, and accurate.
Leading hotel brands, management companies, hospitality schools, convention bureaus, and associations around the world turn to AHLEI for hospitality education and training resources and professional certification. More than 1,500 universities, colleges, vocational technical schools, and government agencies worldwide use AHLEI courses, textbooks, and supplemental media assets in their classroom.
As the certifying body for hospitality, several of our training programs feature portable, stackable, industry-recognized certifications that provide participants with tangible recognition for their skills and knowledge.
How Getting Certified Can Help?
- Competitive edge in the industry
- Career improvement
- Employment opportunities
- Higher wages
- Job retention
- Promotion eligibility
Getting Certified (Step by Step Guide)
Widely recognized as the preeminent leader in hospitality credentials, the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) provides certification for hospitality professionals in all facets of the industry, including:
- hotels
- food & beverage establishments
- trainers
- hospitality educators
- hotel suppliers
- spas
Professional Certification demonstrates proficiency. It is a concrete indication of your skill, and shows employers and guests that you are committed to your profession and are well trained with proven abilities.
Continuing education is a lifelong process and is motivated by a number of factors, including curiosity, self-identified gaps in knowledge, and the desire to provide the very best as an individual – and the very best guest service.
Although certification is voluntary, individuals have the responsibility to demonstrate competence before expecting the recognition and rewards of a profession. In addition, certification and the process of certificate maintenance through continuing education lend credibility to many professions in legislative and policy arenas.
Step-1-You Apply for Certification
It is important when applying for a certification that all supporting documentation listed on the application is provided. This will help ensure that the application is processed in a timely manner. Application is processed in approximately two weeks from being received.
Step-2-Exam Preparation Material
If exam preparation materials are included in the certification program fee, they will become available once the application process is complete with supporting documentation and payment.
Time allowance from date of enrollment to successfully complete the exam can vary based on certification selected.
Step-4-Candidate Passes Exam
Candidates receive their pin and certificate approximately four weeks after successfully passing the certification exam.
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For More Information
Please visit our website for more info about all education & training programs: