This article offers practical tips to establish a personal brand in the hospitality industry by focusing on online presence, networking, and demonstra...
Strong soft skills are essential for success in today's job market. Employers in 2024 value communication, emotional intelligence, adaptability, colla...
Are you a hotel management graduate? Discover what employers are looking for in candidates and learn how to stand out in the competitive hospitality i...
How will automation & AI advancements reshape job roles in the coming years, leading to a shift towards personalization, soft skills development, and...
Hotel management is a rewarding and challenging career. And while a traditional college education can be a great way to start your career in hotel man...
We are delighted to announce that COTHM Dubai is now KHDA's approved training center for Hospitality, Travel, Tourism, and Culinary Arts. The Knowledg...
At COTHM Dubai we are very excited to start a series of Encyclopedia of Hotel Management Terminology publications, we have already launched Volume-1 o...
Digital Version of Hospitality Plus August-2019 Edition is now available at GPDP Portal. Read Now: